Gergő Gyebnár  Chief Executive Officer

Gergő Gyebnár is the CEO of Black Cell. With over a decade of experience in IT security and a background in business development and leadership, he brings valuable expertise to the role. As CEO, Gergő is responsible for leading the expansion of Black Cell’s OT Security and Detection Engineering services worldwide. 

Leveraging his expertise in security operations and threat intelligence, Gergő is constantly looking for ways to create new services that meet evolving needs and develop strategic visions. He is committed to delivering high-quality services that meet the needs of Black Cell’s clients, while also staying ahead of the curve in terms of technological advancements in the field of IT security. 

Under Gergő’s leadership, Black Cell has become a trusted partner for many organizations seeking comprehensive IT security solutions. He has been instrumental in building a strong team of experts who are dedicated to providing exceptional services to clients. Gergő’s focus on innovation and strategic thinking has helped to position Black Cell as a leader in the industry, providing cutting-edge solutions that address complex security challenges. 

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gergo.gyebnar (at) blackcell (dot) io