Szabolcs Németh
Start your Passwordless Journey with Black Cell!

Start your Passwordless Journey with Black Cell!

In today's digital age, securing your organization's data is more critical than ever. Passwords, though traditional, often fall short in providing the robust security needed to protect against modern cyber threats. That's where passwordless authentication comes into...

MDR vs No MDR?

MDR vs No MDR?

With MDR: MDR services leverage advanced technologies to continuously monitor your network, swiftly identifying and mitigating potential threats. It provides enhanced security through continuous monitoring and expert response, proactive defense measures, access to...

Security Predictions 2023 Infographic

Security Predictions 2023 Infographic

As we hurtle into the digital frontier, new challenges and innovations await on the horizon. Here are some captivating security predictions that are set to reshape the tech landscape:   Chief Zero Trust Officer on the Rise: With cybersecurity gaining paramount...

Global Vulnerability Trends | Infographic

Global Vulnerability Trends | Infographic

In today's interconnected digital world, maintaining robust cybersecurity measures is paramount. With the ever-evolving threat landscape, understanding global vulnerability trends becomes crucial for organizations, individuals, and policymakers. This infographic...

Top Cybersecurity Trends 2023 | Infographic

Top Cybersecurity Trends 2023 | Infographic

With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, organizations are recognizing the importance of creating cybersecurity programs that are both effective and sustainable. This means implementing a balanced approach that takes into account not only technology, but...